Privilege Access Management
What’s the worst that can happen if company not having a privileged access management system?
The top three risks of NOT using a Privileged Access Management system are :
Cyber Attacks
If a cyber attacker were to gain access to just one privileged account in your company , attacker could easily use that access to hold data at ransom, lock out accounts, install backdoors, and shut the entire network down. Users with privileged accounts are tapped into an enterprise’s most critical systems. Companies without an Identity Management System (IAM) could not have clearly partition roles and don’t have proper access policy as a result there will be many mismanaged accounts that could put your entire company system at risk.
To make matters worse, if an employee leaves the company and their account isn’t immediately deprovisioned, any sensitive information stored on their account leaves with them. A cyber attacker might steal that information from their phone or tablet, or a disgruntled employee might intentionally try to compromise the business.
Decentralized privileged access management
A decentralized system can lead to inconsistent policy enforcement across the enterprises, which can be just as bad as having NO policies at all. Further, even the best IT team will likely have trouble scaling appropriately and managing all of a growing company’s accounts, permissions, credentials, and assets. A decentralized or manual privileged access management system inevitably leaves security gaps that bad actors can exploit.
Unsecured password management
Usually end users use easily remember passwords. Unfortunately, cyber-attackers can also easily guess these passwords. What’s more, there’s no guarantee employees change them when necessary. Creating unique and strong passwords for every login can be challenging, and it’s not advisable for companies to use simple passwords that are easy to remember or memorize one complex password and use it everywhere online. Not having secure password management system can make enterprises vulnerable in several ways.